Nonprofit Business Model

For Affordable Housing Construction Projects

Redwood Offset is a (status pending) nonprofit designed to neutralize forest impacts and carbon emissions from new affordable housing construction throughout Northern California.

Apartment building with palm trees by Roger Bradshaw from


Acres of Apartments



Dirt path through a redwood tree forest by Sandra Seitamaa from


Acres of Forest

About Us

Jonsteen Company man planting a tree while Redwood Offset daughter watches.jpg

Why Now?

We’ve had the same data set and scientific approach to the problem for 30 years, and it’s not moving the needle fast enough. It’s time for us to get involved to a higher standard. We are an affiliate nonprofit (status pending) designed to partner with for-profit companies on responsible timber use and carbon offsets.

Jonsteen Company man planting a tree while founders daughter looks up at the camera.jpg

Our Team

For the past two decades, we’ve studied land, how people use it, why we use it the way we do, how our decisions impact the environment, and the policies around it.

We’re individuals and families committed to reducing the effects of climate change in California currently through donations and eventually through carbon offset credits.

We’re triple bottom line businesses with track records of truly sustainable businesses - uncompromising in our execution, and open to funding sources.


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